Happy February (already)! It seems as if I was just putting up the Christmas tree, putting up decorations, shopping and wrapping presents and now it is February (and my tree is still up), where did January go?
When I think of February I think of red hearts and love. Mostly, of course, because of Valentine’s Day. I love seeing the smiles on my grandkids faces when I hand them that heart filled with chocolate! The scripture I always think of in February is: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1Corinthians 13:4-5. I love that scripture and wonder if only more people would read this scripture and live by it what a different world we would like in!! Love is patient, now I know many people who have no patience and yes, I admit there are times when my patience is non-existent, but it is something I work on and strive to do better; love is kind is not a hard thing to do, how difficult is it to be kind? It is a choice, and if we all choose to be kind to each other the world can change for the better. Afterall, what comes from being unkind, except hurt feelings, hatred, and a bad environment. So, for the month of Love (February) let’s practice being kind to each other.
Another verse I likes is: Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1John 4:8. God is love and He loves us all very much and wants the best for us. There are times when we shout out or whisper “Why?”. Why did that happen, why did you let it happen? God gave us free will and He respects that gift he gave to us. Can he change things? Sure, he can, we have to ask Him to and pray about it. We have to do our part also, and being kind to each other one way to do that!
Our second community dinner is coming up February 22. Thanks to everyone who worked and/or donated a dessert for the first one. The crowd was tiny but hopefully the crowd in February will be better!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you All!!
Pastor Karna